Alcohol Drug Abuse…………..?

Question by Jenny: Alcohol drug abuse…………..?
I have to do a presentation tomorrow trying to appeal to my peers (high school) that alcohol drug abuse is bad. What are some good things or facts to say? (I’m just looking for more ideas)
Thank you.
bleh, it’s late
I meant
alcohol use abuse

Best answer:

Answer by Horsense
I am headed to bed, but you are welcome to research:

“What’s Wrong With Binge Drinking?”

“Alcohol Misuse and Health”

“Young People and Drugs”

“Drug Abuse . . .”:
– Who Takes Them?
– Why Do People Abuse Them?

How the Intensive Outpatient Program for Alcohol and Drugs can help you? – Are you struggling with an alcohol or drug problem that is impacting your life, your family or your job? Bellwood’s Intensive Outpatient Program for Alcohol …


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