Substance Abuse Treatment Question From a Nonabuser?

Question by fpm: substance abuse treatment question from a nonabuser?
I’m considering a career in substance abuse education, treatment, and prevention. I have just recently seen an episode on meth addicts and it basically painted a bleak picture for them. Some that are recovering or “rehabilitated” still fight the urges to go back to their habits on a daily basis and my question is this: even in this day and age with drug rehab clinics and focused attention on drug addiction is there really an effective program for those suffering? I don’t know anyone personally who has suffered just curious about this.

Best answer:

Answer by patti
You don’t need personal experience to help other who chose to drink and drug you will have an education so you will be knowledgeable to help treat these people better yet you can also inspire addicts to change there lifestyle to also educate other addicts

Answer by Sliteofhand
A lot of addicts in my area KY choose to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and use our program to keep their habit at bay one day at a time because NA is based on the 12 step program created by AA; but they find it to easy to connect at NA meetings because some people; especially court ordered people might not buy into the program and since they are there by force; see no problem with pushing drugs at those meetings. Since it is so tempting, they come to AA where there is more and stronger sobriety.
I know several with several years of continuous sobriety and several sponsees

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