heroin addiction

I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Alturas, California, but We’re Low on Cash. Help?

Question by annie e: I need to find drug rehabs in Alturas, California, but we’re low on cash. Help?
My husband got fired from his job because of his heroin addiction. I really want to get him into rehab, but the thing is, we can’t afford it. Thousands of dollars… Continue reading

Indy's Heroin Epidemic: It's Cheap, Easy to Get, Deadly

Indy's heroin epidemic: It's cheap, easy to get, deadly
To understand heroin addiction, said Dr. Charles Miramonti, chief of Indianapolis EMS, you have to first understand prescription painkiller addiction. The U.S. Government Accountability Office traces the painkiller boom back to 1995, when the Food and …
Read more on Indianapolis… Continue reading

Local Drug Treatment Options Lacking for Youth

Local drug treatment options lacking for youth
This is one of five stories about drug abuse in the region running on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The series looks at where parents and young people can go for help, how law enforcement is struggling to fight the intense influx of drugs… Continue reading

Press Releases: Remarks at the International Women of Courage Awards

Press Releases: Remarks at the International Women of Courage Awards
And as I travel the world, whether I'm in Mexico City or Johannesburg, Mumbai, or later this month when I travel to China, I make it a priority to talk to young people about the power of education to help… Continue reading

Will a 14 Day Stay in Drug Rehab Work?

Question by : Will a 14 day stay in drug rehab work?
My boyfriend has a heroin addiction and wants to get help. He doesn’t have health insurance and everywhere he has called either says they are full or can only take him for 14 days. Are there any other… Continue reading

My Drug Addiction Story. Help Me!

My Drug Addiction Story. Help me! – PLEASE READ—–*** I had a really bad addiction, which was self harming. I used to do it all the time. I made this video to stay positive about myse…


Recovering addict to start Heroin Anonymous meetings
Now that Johnnie M. has pulled… Continue reading