high blood pressure

What Does “Two Implications of This Article to the World Are” Mean?

Question by michelle-lynne: What does “two implications of this article to the world are” mean?
Jennifer Christner, M.D., an adolescent medicine specialist at the University of Michigan Health System, says misuse of stimulants can lead to depression, irritability, stomachaches and headaches. Serious abuse of these drugs can lead to very… Continue reading

Why Do I Have High Cholestorol and How to Lower It?

Question by : Why do i have high cholestorol and how to lower it?
I’m 16 years old and a type 1 diabetic. I’m in good shape and at the proper weight. I exercise daily, run track, and play basketball but recently has bloodwork done and got the results today.… Continue reading

Is Nicotine a Drug? Plz Help?

Question by steven g: Is Nicotine A Drug? Plz Help?
When people smoke are they doing drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr.GreenThumb
I think technically nicotine is a drug but I wouldn’t say smoking cigarettes is the same as doing drugs.

Answer by kayleigh
According to NIDA (National Institute on… Continue reading

Is My Workout Plan Ok? PLEASE HELP!?

Question by Philllll: Is my workout plan ok? PLEASE HELP!?
I am 19, 5’8 172lbs, going to the gym 3 times a week working triceps, biceps, chest, back, abs, shoulders, and occasionally legs. I take creatine before workouts and on non workout days, and whey protein after workouts and on… Continue reading

Anabolic Steriods and Getting Pregnant?

Question by sammie-jo: anabolic steriods and getting pregnant?
hi all, does any1 no if you can still fall pregnant if your boyfriend is taking anabolic steriods, my boyfreind is currently coming of anadren 50, iv read on the net that they decrease sperm mobility, if this is correct, does any1… Continue reading

What Is Better for Long Term Pain Combined With an Addiction to Vicadin? Suboxone or Methodone?

Question by waterfun333: What is better for long term pain combined with an addiction to vicadin? Suboxone or methodone?
I’m been just reciently put on on Suboxone by my doctor and I feel that it works well for the vicadin cravings, but I’m not sure if its cutting the pain.… Continue reading