new york

Wilderness Works

Wilderness works
His son, Christian, age 15, participated in the wilderness program at SUWS of the Carolinas in Old Fort last year. SUWS is one of several local and regional organizations that use …. Lewis recently completed another study, in collaboration with Four …
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5 Things to Know About Heroin Use, Getting Help

5 things to know about heroin use, getting help
The Partnership at has a toll-free helpline — 1-855-378-4373 (DRUGFREE) — that offers assistance to families concerned about a teen's drug use or drinking. Trained specialists can help parents outline plans for prevention, intervention …
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Mental Health: A Difficult Diagnosis

Mental health: A difficult diagnosis
That is a pretty wide-open definition and local experts in the field agree that mental health is anything but an exact science. “It is not an exact science in … Issues like drug abuse and domestic violence happen here, she said. She also said that… Continue reading

Are There Any FREE Alcohol Treatment Centers in Phoenix, Arizona?

Question by Jenn: Are there any FREE alcohol treatment centers in Phoenix, Arizona?
My 41 year old brother has been drinking for 20+ years. He is really at a point where there are no options for him with the family. We can’t keep taking him in. He does work some… Continue reading

Drug Abuse Paper? Help?

Question by : drug abuse paper? help?
I need to write a paper about whether I think that drug abuse and alcoholism is a disease or a symptom of a mental illness. I believe it is a symptom, but I’m having tdouble starting the paper. What are some main points… Continue reading

Why Does Speed Withdrawal Give You Nightmares?

Question by Too-Da-Loo!: Why does speed withdrawal give you nightmares?
And how do you beat speed addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Creepy McSteezerson
I haven’t done it, but my man has. The nightmares do not happen to everyone. He had to just straight up leave California and come back to… Continue reading