What Are the Telltale Signs That a Person Should Seek Addiction Counseling?

Question by aryanna c: What are the telltale signs that a person should seek addiction counseling?
A lot of people who are addicted fail to realize that they are indeed getting dependent upon the substance. How will they know that they already need to seek help for their addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by prettyboyfamous2007
when their addicatin is taking over their life….its time! when its affecting their relationships around them…its time! when they deny they have a addication…then..you guessed it..its time

Answer by Chris F
Does it interfere with your daily life? Do you have to drink to get through your day at work? Are you unable to keep a relationship with your spouse because you have secual intercourse with strangers? Questions such as these should be asked of ones self.

early signs of drug use – anette edens.


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