What Happens at a Drug Treatment Facility?

Question by wonderwoman: What happens at a drug treatment facility?
Someone I know just entered a New York State run drug rehabilitation facility. What happens while he is there? Will I be able to visit? When will he leave? If anyone is willing to share a personal experience I would greatly appreciate it.

Best answer:

Answer by cowboydoc
Call the clinic and ask them, not us. They probably have there own standards they meet and the patients have to meet them. Not all clinics have the same goals or the way they reach them, what is of concern to them. Call them.

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Cocaine effects Commercial Parody – Sound: Bebe – Siempre Me Quedara www.youtube.com This is a commercial parody. We don’t encourage drug use. Drug = death!!! Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) (INN) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.[5] The name comes from “coca” and the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic. Biologically, cocaine acts as a serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor, also known as a triple reuptake inhibitor (TRI). It is addictive because of its effect on the mesolimbic reward pathway.[6] Unlike most molecules, cocaine has pockets[clarification needed] with both high hydrophilic and lipophilic efficiency, violating the rule of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance. This causes it to cross the blood–brain barrier far better than other psychoactive chemicals[citation needed] and may even induce blood brain barrier breakdown.[7][8] It is illegal to possess, produce, or distribute cocaine for non-medicinal and non-government-sanctioned purposes in almost every country. Keywords: cocaine effects, effects of cocaine, effects from cocaine, cocaine effect, effect of cocaine, cocaine addiction, addicted to cocaine, drug treatment, substance abuse treatment, heroin addiction, heroin addict, drug abuse, what is the drug abuse, drug abuse and effects, what cause drug abuse, addiction


Bolshoi dancer confesses to attack on ballet chief

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Eight former Drug Enforcement Administration chiefs say the federal government needs to act now or it might lose the chance to nullify laws legalizing recreational marijuana use. … The 42-year-old former dancer is undergoing treatment in Germany …
Read more on MyFox Phoenix


Par Pharmaceutical Pleads Guilty

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Par pled guilty to an Information charging it with a criminal misdemeanor for misbranding Megace® ES in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”). Megace ES, a megestrol acetate drug product, was approved by the FDA to treat …
Read more on Corporate Crime Reporter


On the Record: Doctors Speak Out

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

The passage of the Affordable Healthcare Act in 2010, and its confirmation by the Supreme Court in 2012, has changed the face of American healthcare—perhaps irrevocably. … Should everybody who has a heart attack be able to be treated promptly …
Read more on Knoxville City View