When Will They Start Mandatory Drug Testing for Women Getting Child Support?

Question by Stupid Grandpa Tricks: When will they start mandatory drug testing for Women getting Child Support?
So sick of all the stories of how women ( and some men ) who get really good child support payments that pay ALL their bills and extras are always addicted to drugs. I even know a man in Florida who is drug addicted and the system is his co-dependent. I say this because the courts awarded him the kid and the ex pays BIG child support thus allowing him to not work and pursue his full time drug addiction.We see this with movie stars all the time. We just don’t here about it as much with family court being a closed court and child support is not considered a tax payer funded system ( although it really is if you think about it) who pays judges and child support agencies-? Taxpayers.

Welfare upsets the “taxpayers” so we NOW drug test. Why not test all those receiving child support entitlement ?

Best answer:

Answer by wizjp
uh…never. Child support is not public money. At least not in the US. It’s money paid from one parent to another thru a support agency

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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