Why Are People So Ignorant About the Way They Handle Homosexual Children?

Question by SunshineLoliPopsRainbowsUnicorns: Why are people so ignorant about the way they handle homosexual children?
I just posted a question about my daughter who has chosen to be gay and there seems to be a lot of people going berserk because we will not support her in this choice. Particularly that when she turned 18 asked her to move out and not support her education while she chooses to live this way.

How is this any different than someone with a drug addiction?

Would you enable a family member to an early grave?

I know all you liberals would, but I’m asking this to my fellow Christians.

Best answer:

Answer by Ms. Lady
you don’t have to support her choice to be homosexual..,but as a parent, you should help her with her education.

i don’t support my brothers drug addiction, but i do visit him at a inpatient facility. just because of his addicition, doesn’t mean i don’t pray for him and try to support and help him get over this addiction.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Merry Christmas 2012 – I made this video to inform you guys what’s going on in my struggle with the family courts. My daughter is still in the custody of the mother and she refuses to let me see her. She has refused all attempts to let me in my daughters life and continues with the games. This is effecting my daughter in the long run, more than it effects me. Please be patient as the website crashed due to all the emails I been getting from other parents going through similar experiences. Please see my videos and help bring my daughter home safely! The mother has used drugs in front of our child and was even born with drugs in her system. The mother drinks and becomes violent or careless with her. She has even admitted to child molestation! ALL NEW PETITION! PLEASE SIGN THIS ONE TOO! www.thepetitionsite.com www.justice4rene.org https Call Virginia Child Protective Services or your local police if these videos bothers you: Virginia CPS: 1-800-552-7096 www.dss.cahwnet.gov www.dss.cahwnet.gov California CPS: 1-800-827-8724 The judge won’t even view my evidence and gave the mother custody even though she has left us numerous times for several days, and has abused drugs repeatedly. My daughter was born with drugs in her system even though she was told drugs came up in her system during routine check up in her first trimester. She has abused drugs, alcohol, and physically attacked me. She claims now under a signed declaration that I never cared for my daughter when the opposite is THE TRUTH! I am the


What's happening for Jan. 20, 2013

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Meeting: The Christian Women Connection of Robeson County will hold a luncheon meeting on the third Wednesday of each month. Call Diane at 910-739-7967 or Ruby at 910-628-8412. Meeting: The Disabled American …. Narcotics Anonymous: Narcotics …
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… Cathedral R.C. Church to a pastors luncheon at the offices of the Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport. The luncheon was in preparation for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. …. Laschober, who live in California. Both also have been …
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