Why Do People Say Alcholism and Drug Abuse Is a Disorder?

Question by Breaking All The Rules!!: Why do people say alcholism and drug abuse is a disorder?
I am perfectly happy taking more pain killers then I should and drinking every now and then, but I’m happy. So why is being happy a disorder?? I don’t want to quit, I like myself.
I am not looking for a religious answer please, and no im not the type who flaunts what I do nor do I go to parties and such.

Best answer:

Answer by believer_in_jesus37421
The Bible says that sin may seem attractive — for a little while (see Hebrews 11:25). Satan is a master deceiver, and he wraps his temptations in glittering tinsel. But beneath the tinsel is a terrible reality — the reality of sin’s poisonous consequences.

The point is this: When we ignore God and live only for ourselves, eventually we’ll discover that this will never give us the happiness we seek. At best, we’ll be bored; at worst, we’ll end up in misery and death. And don’t deceive yourself into thinking you can escape those consequences, because God’s moral laws cannot be broken with impunity. The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction” (Galatians 6:7-8).

I urge you, however, not only to be realistic about the path you’ve chosen in life, but also its eternal consequences. It may not be fashionable today to talk about Hell — but Hell is a reality, and I want to assure you that you don’t want to go there. The Bible says Hell is a place of absolute darkness and hopelessness, and its inhabitants are cut off forever from God and from the eternal happiness of Heaven.

God loves you, and Jesus Christ came to give you a life of joy and meaning and peace. Don’t be deceived by the pleasures of the moment, but turn to Christ in repentance and faith and give your life to Him.


Answer by Sadie Hansen
hell ya i drink at least 5 times a week and I like a drug I won’t mention every once in awhile and I have fun. Its not a disorder its just lack of will power if you have a problem. I don’t think I have a problem though I have fun and I am young so why quit right?

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